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How to eat  5 Fruits and vegetables every day How to eat 5 Fruits and vegetables every day Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Everyone knows this recommendation, and sees it pop up all over. But how does one carry it out on a daily basis? Do fruit juice and tomato sauce count as a portion? And besides, why should we eat 5 fruits and vegetables per day? What are the (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 17 x 24 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-56-5
10.00 €
Manual of Chinese Medicine applied to Obstetrics and Gynaecology Manual of Chinese Medicine applied to Obstetrics and Gynaecology Dr. Yu Jin One of the most passionate developments of modern Chinese medicine is that of confronting traditional knowledge with modern biomedicine.Shanghai is the melting pot of this major and stimulating research, where Doctor Yu Jin, one of its most (...) Nombre de pages : 192
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-61-9
24.39 €
Masks from the Alps Masks from the Alps   In numerous isolated valleys of the Alps, masks remind us of the local, ancient customs that linger on the edges of the Carnival. In Austria, Switzerland, Southern Germany and Northern Italy, personages, whose aspects are as varied as the (...) Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 24 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-01-9
29.50 €
The Nuna masks The Nuna masks Yannick Giorgi This book, the product of a meeting between the author and an initiate, is a living example of the rich patrimony, as alive as ever, of the way masks are used in traditional feasts in the village of Nuna, in Burkina Faso. Yannick Giorgi has (...) Nombre de pages : 160
Format : 1 vol. 24/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-74-9
37.35 €
My moon body My moon body Philippe Coupey Throughout the summer of 1981, one year before his death, Zen Master Taisen Deshimaru, the modern-day Bodhidharma, translated and commented on forty-seven Eiheikoroku poems by Master Dogen.  These Chinese-inspired poems mark the brilliant birth (...) Nombre de pages : 240
Format : 14x22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-18-7
19.00 €
The memory of the sun The memory of the sun Dr. Hubert Larcher There are three extraordinary examples, which are far from being unique, where human bodies did not decompose after death: Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Charbel Makhlouf and Saint Roseline of Villeneuve. These three cases invite us to a closely (...) Nombre de pages : 372
Format : 1 vol. 15,5/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-05-3
29.73 €
Possessions and exorcisms Possessions and exorcisms Jean-André Dubreuil Here is a spiritual, doctrinal, and historic study that shows that the matters regarding the devil remain very real, for which modern science remains silent. Having uncovered stories, many of which have been previously unpublished,  of (...) Nombre de pages : 288
ISBN : 978-2-914338-28-8
17.50 €
Skin of the soul Skin of the soul Fr. François-Noël Deman Poetry, captures the instant, living time. To write each poem as if it were the last, each poem is the last, the one that binds all life, all love, and all love of God. It is a gift. Truly so. Poetry only says what it has to say. Nombre de pages : 98
ISBN : 978-2-914338-01-1
11.00 €
Crossing the other bank Crossing the other bank Elisabeth Lamour In the Gospel according to Mark, Jesus is constantly travelling, by foot or by bark, leaving one city or region for another, or crossing one bank to get to the other…In reading or rereading this Gospel, something within us resonates that (...) Nombre de pages : 174
ISBN : 978-2-914338-03-5
15.00 €
Pureness :  Cathars and Inquisition Pureness : Cathars and Inquisition Didier Brenot In the history of metaphysical debacles where civilizations age and one by one die out, Manichaeism is a recurring accident.  The very outdated ontological schizophrenia that spread like crazy grass in the cracks of the Latin Christendom (...) Nombre de pages : 240
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-19-6
17.00 €
Intuition & sense Intuition & sense   Saint Bonaventure who taught the same years in Paris as Saint Thomas Aquinas and was named Seraphic Doctor and General Minister of the Franciscan order, is especillay well known for his sermons. Annie and bernard Verten offer the reader a few (...) Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-10-3
20.00 €
Handbook of functional physiology and nutripuncture Handbook of functional physiology and nutripuncture   Being in good health means living in harmony with those who surround us, and getting better means ridding oneself of old thought patterns, finding a new balance and stimulating the vitality of dysfunctional organ cells. Nutripuncture works on (...) Nombre de pages : 572
Format : 17 X 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-96-1
39.50 €
Science of the heart and of nature Science of the heart and of nature Pierre Perrier de l'académie des sciences It is urgent to incite the honest man to reconsider the links between the scientific "how" and his personal experience. This is what the author offers a friend through his meditations. He is one of the promoters of digital modelling, as well as (...) Nombre de pages : 144
Format : 1 vol. 14/22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-43-5
11.43 €
The language of science The language of science Maurice Crosland From where do scientific terms come? The Language of Science analyzes the development of scientific vocabulary from its origins, linked to daily farming and the need to have a system of measure for commercial trade, up to 17th Century (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 12 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-32-3
9.50 €
Little treatise on Meatballs Little treatise on Meatballs Pierre-Brice Lebrun With this Little Treatise on Meatballs, Pierre-Brice Lebrun brilliantly remedies the lack of meatball cookbooks: here is a book of history and of stories. Remarkably documented, it combines gastronomical riches and humor.  In all, there are no (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 14 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-45-9
17.00 €
Manual of basic typography Manual of basic typography   This is an educational work tool which can be used like a grammar book or dictionary. It is written for all those who are called upon to do DTP in their work but who do not have previous typographical knowledge to keep them from stumbling. (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 16 x 23 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-00-5
20.00 €
Ces formules qui en savent plus que nous Ces formules qui en savent plus que nous Jean Perdijon Nombre de pages : 144
Format : 17 x 19 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-057-2
19.50 €
Little treatise on whole wheat flour Little treatise on whole wheat flour Martine Agrech Flour has undeniably played a major role in the history of humanity, through its most common use: bread, the very symbol of man's food.  But from where did the first wheat seeds come?  How did we know to grind them up?  And how did we end up (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 14 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-38-1
14.50 €
Fenouil, je vous aime... Fenouil, je vous aime... Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Nombre de pages : 72
ISBN : 978-2-36402-031-3
10.00 €
A Typographic History A Typographic History    Abundantly illustrated, this Typographic History proposes, in two volumes, to widely diffuse typographical culture. Here we learn, through text and image, the main milestones that led, in time, to the development of western typography, of (...) Nombre de pages : 400
Format : 21 x 30 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-13-5
50.00 €
Tofu, je vous aime... Tofu, je vous aime... Solveig Darrigo-Dardinet Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Nombre de pages : 72
ISBN : 978-2-36402-017-7
10.00 €
Agrumes, je vous aimes... Agrumes, je vous aimes... Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Nombre de pages : 72
ISBN : 978-2-36402-032-0
10.00 €
Gifts and Legacies in Public Libraries Gifts and Legacies in Public Libraries   Several recent laws have multiplied the categories and conditions that enable heritage institution collections to be exploited. It is sometimes difficult for their managers, who rarely have backgrounds in law, to pinpoint the legislations they (...) Nombre de pages : 220
ISBN : 978-2-911220-33-3
35.00 €
The Touat Manuscripts The Touat Manuscripts Saïd Bouterfa THE COLLECTION: A unique initiative The Arles Centre for Book Conservation leads, in France and abroad, multi-disciplinary training, expertise, and cooperative actions in the areas of conservation and management of documentary heritages – (...) Nombre de pages : 102
Format : 16 X 23 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-14-2
20.00 €
Du combat spirituel à la déification Du combat spirituel à la déification Jean-François Froger Nombre de pages : 352
Format : 13X19 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36766-014-1
19.00 €
The path of desire The path of desire Jean-François Froger Bernard Verten Jean-François Froger is an anthropological researcher and exegete. Bernard Verten is a Classics Professor. The path of desire according to the myth of Eros and Psyche is the fifth work of Jean-François Froger. Through the style of a tale, the (...) Nombre de pages : 256
Format : 1 vol. 14/22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-41-1
18.29 €
Golf Golf Maurice Duhamel Golf is a captivating sport, a phenomenon that “attracts” an ever-growing number of adepts, year after year.  Today, there are more than 60 million golfers world wide.  Still, it must be admitted that a certain mystery prevails over the game’s (...) Nombre de pages : 114
Format : 19 x 27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-04-0
28.50 €
Chemins de croix Chemins de croix Michel-Gabriel Mouret « Sache que tous les mystères, toutes les manifestations de ma vérité en ce monde, accompagnées ou non de la présence de ses disciples, sont des figures pour l'âme de mes serviteurs et pour toutes les créatures. Il en est ainsi pour que vous (...) Nombre de pages : 320
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-25-7
20.00 €
A l'écoute de saint Bernard A l'écoute de saint Bernard Frère Étienne Goutagny Nombre de pages : 224
ISBN : 978-2-914338-35-6
25.00 €
LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE AND PHYSIOLOGY LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE AND PHYSIOLOGY Gérard Monsterleet The purpose of manual lymphatic drainage techniques is to restore lymphatic flow by activating the circulation of organic water. A patient's lymphatic flow is accelerated proportionally to the force exerted by the therapist's hands. Gerard (...) Nombre de pages : 288
Format : 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-87-9
29.50 €
A new anthropology of gesture / 2 A new anthropology of gesture / 2 Urbain Marquet Urbain Marquet is a philosopher of gesture. His philosophy is rooted in long years of study.  It was his contact with children and his observation and contemplation of their needs that led the philosopher to leave anthropology for metaphysical (...) Nombre de pages : 600
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-16-5
39.50 €
A new anthropology of gesture / 1 A new anthropology of gesture / 1 Urbain Marquet Urbain Marquet is a philosopher of gesture. His philosophy is rooted in long years of study.  It was his contact with children and his observation and contemplation of their needs that led the philosopher to leave anthropology for metaphysical (...) Nombre de pages : 608
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-15-8
39.50 €
Emergency Emergency   Revise the laws dealing with bioethics? Do we dare ask the question: Is there a relationship between social violence (roughness, sexual attacks, addiction) and bioethics (contraception, IVF, surrogate mothers, cloning?) Curious question (...) Nombre de pages : 64
ISBN : 978-2-914338-32-5
7.50 €
La Couronne du Grand-Prêtre La Couronne du Grand-Prêtre Jean-François Froger Nombre de pages : 576
Format : 15 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36766-032-5
40.00 €
Little treatise on sauces Little treatise on sauces Olivier Gaudant Expressions that refer to sauces are so numerous that they attest to just how important these are in the culinary art. Giving dishes their final note, sauces are indeed the quintessence, but their history cannot be summed up by a list of (...) Nombre de pages : 112
ISBN : 978-2-911328-59-6
17.00 €
Recettes Allergies sévères Recettes Allergies sévères Nelly Sabot-Patracone Nombre de pages : 128
ISBN : 978-2-36402-013-9
12.90 €
ePub : Les apocalypses et la fin des temps ePub : Les apocalypses et la fin des temps   Nombre de pages : 288
ISBN : 978-2-907653-17-2
11.99 €
The elation of writing The elation of writing Roger Druet Roger Druet is a painter, calligrapher, writer and typography professor. A former student at the School of Applied Arts, and the School of Fine Arts (in architecture), he later studied typography and character design at the Deberny & Peignot (...) Nombre de pages : 128
Format : 22,5 x 22,5 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-27-2
39.00 €
Terrorists, religion and us… Terrorists, religion and us… Didier Brenot To be published on November 15th Islamists are not targeting democracy, but rather souls, or what's left of them; all souls, starting with those of Muslims.What has changed over almost twenty years is the scale of the attacks. Islamism is (...) Nombre de pages : 104
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-11-0
10.00 €
Little treatise on the omelette Little treatise on the omelette Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré Truly, a complete survey of the omelette The Editions Sureau presents its new collection of cook books.  The little treatises, which mean to have readers rediscover a food in all its forms: a dash of history, a few famous quotes, a smidgen (...) Nombre de pages : 80
Format : 14 x 22cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-47-3
10.00 €