Moteur de recherches Le Sureau

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La course thérapeutique La course thérapeutique Frédéric Brigaud Nombre de pages : 192
Format : 14 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36403-216-3
17.00 €
Le langage du corps Le langage du corps   Nombre de pages : 144
ISBN : 978-2-36403-005-3
24.00 €
Aquatic gymnastics Aquatic gymnastics Jean-Michel Lamarque Franck Ostermeyer Preface by Lewis C. Thorne, President of Excel Sports Science, Inc. Foreword by Dr. Denis Laurent, National Sports Institute Doctor, in charge of the French Women's gymnastic team. Jean-Michel Lamarque and Franck Ostermeyer are both sports (...) Nombre de pages : 112
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-26-8
13.72 €
Fundamental physics equations Fundamental physics equations Sander Bais For thousands of years, humanity has sought to understand nature.  By exploring the world on all levels with the help of more and more complex instruments, we have succeeded in shining light on some of the great mysteries that surround us. (...) Nombre de pages : 96
Format : 17 x 19 cm
ISBN : 978-2-915418-14-9
19.00 €
Mind Matters Mind Matters J.R. Millenson The author wrote this book following his struggle with myalgic encephalomyelitis. Mind Matters deals with medicine of the body and mind and has been written for students, practitioners and all those who embrace alternative medicine. (...) Nombre de pages : 400
Format : 1 vol. 17/24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-51-0
27.44 €
Sport and aggressivity Sport and aggressivity Luc Collard Is your child apprehensive? Is he or she easily dissuaded or easily give up? Don't worry: the child can succeed in sports! Aggressivity played out in the field is not exactly what certain ethnologists and psychologists have said. It is neither (...) Nombre de pages : 224
Format : 14 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-907653-95-4
15.00 €
Theology of the Word Theology of the Word   This second volume of the Sermons of Saint Bonaventure include the Christmastime sermons: Three sermons on the Nativity and three sermons on the Epiphany. The incarnation and the coming of Christ among men gives the Seraphic Doctor the perfect (...) Nombre de pages : 304
Format : 15,5 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-914338-24-0
15.00 €
Cookies, how I love you... passionately Cookies, how I love you... passionately   Whether they are meant for the finest gourmets or big eaters who scarf them down whole, cookie recipes come in an infinite variety to match tastes, humours, cultures and cooking styles in vogue. It would therefore be rather presumptuous to (...) Nombre de pages : 64
Format : 14 x 22 cm cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-18-3
10.00 €
Riz, je vous aime... Riz, je vous aime... Olivier Gaudant Aude Mairey   Le riz est, avec le blé, la céréale la plus consommée au monde depuis l'aube de la civilisation. Il est bien sûr la base de l'alimentation en Asie du Sud-Est et dans une partie de l'Inde, mais il est aussi très utilisé dans le reste (...) Nombre de pages : 72
Format : 14 x 22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-49-7
10.00 €
Mushrooms, how I love you... Mushrooms, how I love you... Béatrice Vigot-Lagandré To be published on October 5th Eaten and appreciated since antiquity, mushrooms are highly regarded in our gastronomic heritage. Whether cultivated or forest-grown mushrooms are associated with odours and flavours of the woods and walks in the (...) Nombre de pages : 72
Format : 14 x 22 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911328-27-5
10.00 €
Cathedral Books and Libraries Cathedral Books and Libraries Céline Giordano From their very beginnings, cathedrals and their dignitaries have had need of books, whether for celebrating mass, preaching to worshippers, or managing their worldly goods. Starting with a rich corpus of more than two hundred archived texts (...) Nombre de pages : 192
ISBN : 978-2-911220-32-6
35.00 €
Visualizing, Naming and Representing colours Visualizing, Naming and Representing colours Roger Lamouline Colours and colour theories raise many an interesting question. Is the colour triangle that was used fifty years ago to help ensure the red, green and yellow shades of the lights placed along railways complied with specifications, is that same (...) Nombre de pages : 200
Format : 16 x 23 cm
ISBN : 978-2-911220-16-6
15.00 €